About Us
Lanawae Housing Center is dedicated to providing resettlement services for refugees and newcomers, with the aim of helping them integrate into their new communities and rebuild their lives. We understand that leaving one's home country due to conflict, persecution, or other reasons can be an incredibly challenging experience. Therefore, we strive to offer comprehensive support to ensure a smooth transition and successful resettlement. One of the key aspects of our organization's work is providing immediate housing through our "Refer a Friend Refugee Housing Program".

Making A Difference
Coming Soon!
Helping The Community
For the residents.
Open Daily from 10 am to 6 pm
Starter basket for new residents
Emergency food call in line
To help the residents grow into the best version of themselves.

Welcome to
Lanawae Housing Center
Lanawae Housing Center is a new not-for-profit organization in Winnipeg. Our organization, dedicated to providing housing and support for refugees coming to Manitoba, LHC plays a crucial role in supporting individuals who have fled their home countries due to conflict or persecution. The plight of refugees is a global concern, and it is our responsibility as a society to extend our helping hand.
Firstly, our organization ensures that refugees have access to safe and secure housing upon arrival. We understand the importance of having a stable living environment, especially during times of immense uncertainty. By offering housing, we aim to alleviate some of the stress and anxiety that refugees may experience as they adjust to their new surroundings.
Refugees fleeing their war-torn countries often face numerous challenges when they arrive in a new land. One of the most pressing issues they encounter is finding suitable housing. In order to address this problem, LHC has launched the "Refer A Friend Refugee Housing Program.
The idea behind Refer A Friend Refugee Housing is simple yet powerful: existing refugees who have successfully settled into their new homes can refer their friends or family members who are also seeking shelter. This referral system not only helps newcomers find safe and affordable housing but also provides them with a support network within their community.
By relying on referrals, this initiative ensures that refugees are connected with trustworthy landlords or homeowners who are willing to accommodate them. It also fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie among refugees, as they can rely on each other for advice and assistance during the resettlement process.
Moreover, Refer A Friend Refugee Housing promotes integration and social cohesion within host communities. By encouraging interaction between refugees and locals, it breaks down barriers and dispels misconceptions about newcomers. This leads to greater understanding, empathy, and acceptance among all parties involved.
Our Refer A Friend Refugee Housing offers an innovative approach to addressing the housing needs of refugees. By leveraging existing networks within refugee communities, it provides newcomers with safe accommodation while fostering connections and integration within host societies. This initiative not only benefits individual refugees but also contributes to building more inclusive and compassionate communities for all.
Our organization runs a food bank for refugees on a weekly basis, providing essential sustenance to those who have been displaced from their homes due to conflict or persecution. This initiative aims to address the pressing issue of food insecurity among this vulnerable population and offer them a glimmer of hope in their difficult journey towards rebuilding their lives.
The food bank operates with the support of dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly to collect, sort, and distribute donated food items. These selfless individuals understand the importance of nourishment in promoting physical and mental well-being, especially for those who have endured unimaginable hardships. By offering nutritious meals, we strive not only to alleviate hunger but also to restore dignity and provide a sense of stability for these individuals.
Furthermore, our organization recognizes that access to food is just one aspect of addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by refugees. Therefore, we collaborate with other community organizations and agencies to provide additional services such as language classes, job training programs, and counseling sessions. By doing so, we aim to empower refugees with the necessary tools and skills needed for successful integration into their new communities.
In conclusion, our organization's commitment to running a weekly food bank for refugees goes beyond simply providing sustenance. It represents our unwavering dedication towards supporting these individuals during their most vulnerable moments. Through this initiative, we hope to not only fill empty stomachs but also foster resilience and inspire hope as they embark on their journey towards a brighter future.
In conclusion, our organization's commitment to providing housing and support for refugees coming to Manitoba is vital in ensuring their successful resettlement. By addressing basic needs such as shelter and nutrition while fostering a sense of community, we strive to create an environment where refugees can thrive and rebuild their lives with dignity and hope.

A Native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this manner: Inside of me there are two wolves. One of the wolves is mean and evil. The other dog is good and kind. The two wolves fight all the time. When asked which wolf wins, he reflected for a moment and replied, The one I feed the most.”